14 May, 2012


Dear future Qistina,
This past Qistina has something that has been bothering her...
The pain can be detected in her heart and in her head..
Her mouth feels like cursing but then she realise that cursing will only add sins to her not to the "something that has been bothering her"..
So, this. is. anger... before this she takes things lightly and just forgive everyone even that "thing" has go over the limit.. her anger used to be in seconds but yesterday, she need to lie down and sleep to cool down.
She hates it a lot but she cant avoid that feeling..
Maybe she is still a junior in the adult life.. still cant control the unstable mood... still a lot to learn
Luckily that anger does not release to any innocent person around her.. if and only if it does.. the world will be end for her... hmm...
Lastly, I want to ask you future Qistina...
Allah Maha Mengasih melebihi Marahnya, jadi layakkah hambanya untuk marah selamanya?
with love,
QistinaMohd Sarngi