01 August, 2013

11 things to know

Setelah sekian lama.... akhirnya aku kembali... dan post aku yang pertama sebagai comeback post ialah seperti perkara dibawah ni... kawan aku yang aku kenal masa dekat Unimas dulu tag aku untuk buat... hehehehe... xpernah buat pun sebelum ni.. saje nak try2.. lagi satu xtau nak post ape jadi benda ni macam membantu jugakla dalam mengembalikan keceriaan dalam blog aku ni.. hahaha...Jadi... silalah...



1. Post this rules

2. Writes 11 things about yourself
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you
4. Create 11 new questions for those who you want to tag
5. Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post. You are not allowed to tag back.

11 things about myself:

- Blur. Everyone knows and kinda used to it.. i hope..
- Likes to read comics and play games...
- Crazy. Unexpected mood and changed in a second sometimes.
- Slow music with great lyrics is my snacks.
- hate missing someone because its painful.
- Nerd. because THEY say i love maths and play  puzzle games when bored and loves to read facts.
- Wished to have an older brother since primary but stop wishing since knowing it will be impossible
- My first encounter to kpop world is because of super junior's song no other in Matriculation. Still adore them besides david beckham. hehehe..
- I have phobia with men because...... i dont know... haiz... it seems funny and mengada-ngada but it is serious... also lead to social phobia meaning wish to have the invisible power like mr incredible's daughter when in public.
- cries easily even by watching others crying.
- have my own lazy day on the day i feel lazy to do anything. basically it will be the day i prefer and on that day i will only play games and sleeping.. hahaaha.. (this attitude is in the list of changing to the better)

Answers to her Questions:

one; how did you know me ?
- I know her while in Unimas. We become close because she used to be my lab partner and she is my crazy lab partner. we used to laugh in the lab even when doing a serious experiment... hahaha...

two; did you know my real name ? 
- i know her name is Fatin Romdzi but i think the spelling is wrong. soriee

three; suggest me the best movie you ever watched.
- a movie called the proposal. it is an old movie and I cried watching this. awesome loves story besides P.S. I love you.

four; would you like to share your current favorite songs ?
- my current favourite song is crush by B1A4. Sanduel's solo i think... hehehe....

five; guess my favorite colour.
- blue kot... hahaha... tak sempat tanya dah pindah...

six; nae nampyeooon ?
- that guy called lee hongki of coz..

seven; who do you think i'll be married one day ?
- hongki's malaysian version... hahaha

eight; something i do that pissed you off ? tell me what should i do to improve myself :)
- she should start dating... hahahaha

nine; something you wanna share with me? or something you wanna say ? you can talk/write about anything. i'll read & give response.
- Miss her and them in Unimas so much. although just one sem but the memories are priceless. She helps me when I still struggle to survive far away from home by sharing laughter and do stupid stuff. and become my kpop fan partner. thanks alot chingu ya. ; )

ten; who am i to you ?
- a crazy lab partner.. hahaha

eleven; your feelings after answering this tagging things ?
- happieeeeeeee

My questions:

1) the first thing you remember when you hear my name.

2) the most memorable moment with me
3) your current wish
4) baju raye tahun ni warna ape? hahaha
5) recommend a song other than super junior...
6) your first encounter to kpop world
7) current variety show that you watched?
8) who is your first love.. mine would be david bechkham.. no doubt..
9) since i love food so lets share your favourite food.. hehehe
10) what do you think about super junior???
11) If we meet what is the first thing you want to tell.

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