27 December, 2011

Tahukah engkau wahai Adam?

seorang muslimah yang tak melayan lelaki apabila ditegur janganlah kau kata dia sombong ,

seorang muslimah yang tiada teman lelaki , janganlah kau kata dia tak laku ,

seorang muslimah yang tegas dalam memelihara prinsip aurat , janganlah kau kata dia kolot ,

seorang muslimah yang tak pandang kau tika bersemuka , janganlah kau ingat kau hensem sangat sampai dia takut nak pandang , -_-"

Tahukah kau wahai Adam ,
Apa yg ada di sebalik sekeping hati muslimah itu ?

Ketahuilah , dia sedang berjuang memelihara hati engkau supaya tegar meletakkan Allah di atas singgahsana dalam hatimu .

Dia mahukan engkau , menjadi mujahid yang sibuk menegakkan kalimah haq berbanding melayani hawa nafsumu .

Betapa dia sangat takut andai dirinya menjadi punca kelalaian hatimu dalam menunaikan haq Allah .

Betapa dia sangat takut andai dirinya mengkhianati haq Allah dgn mengambil alih singgahsana Allah dalam hatimu.
source: copy paste dari wall fb atiq atieqah
p/s: .... just nice...

21 December, 2011

the faded smile..

recently, like most of the girls she took a picture with her friend who is the-one-who-she-always-hangout-with after class..few days after, she looked back at the photo and found out that it was edited with a shocking sentence.."why you look sad?" *frozen*.. she asked herself, "does she knows?" and then she noticed that not only for this photo that she seem sad but the other new photos that she took the day after and yesterday... where did 'it' goes? as long she remember she did smile while taking the pictures but it seems that you cant lie the camera for this... hahaha...
but why is she sad?
Not homesick for sure..
maybe she's just lonely....
behind that laugh, there are a lot of difficult questions that she needs to solve by herself..
there are a lot of things she have to think wisely before she do it.. there a lot of situations which are bizarre to her that she has to go through alone.. why? because she thinks that people wont understands her, because people always give the very-weird-annoying-face when she vomit out her thoughts or her worries..
so she kept silent about that and make people laugh instead.. it is fun for awhile but until when people will still laugh for her lame expired jokes?? till when she will become such a hypocrite to herself??? till when she can only cry for the things that she thought she is wrong cause no one said "its okay girl you have done a great job"???  well, for us to answer that is really beyond our power... let us just pray for her to stay strong.. let us just pray that one day the smile will appear again...
Ya Allah, kau bantulah umat mu ini terus tabah menghadapi dugaan..
Ya Allah, kau tenangkanlah fikirannya, hatinya...
Sesungguhnya kaulah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang..

taken from google

p/s: writing sebab dah lama tak tulis essay.. hehehe...

11 December, 2011

Stresssssssssss! mine and them...

it has been a week i hear this so stressing word from my friends.. and its floating in my mind too... since me myself suffer the same disease so i cant exactly do anything to help them to overcome it other than by using the technique only-lending-your-ears-and-shut-your-mouth to them cause for me that's the first step of decreasing the level of stress.. mostly they are stress because of homesick, assignments, people's attitude and etc.. my stress came from, awkwardness among people, making decision, too concern about others feelings and etc.... 
so in this post I'm gonna share ways on controlling your and my stress according to my experience and others..
p/s: the ways listed is not based on expert.. so sorry for any mistakes of information

1. Pray. Solat and doa and recite al-quran is the best medicine. this is surely good enough for those whose find it hard to share their worries to their peers. the real you where no one can complaint. you will find it refreshing and soothing.
2. Blurt it out. tell others your worries, your sadness or anything that adding your stress. It feels like your burden has lessen and life can move on a little bit smooth. but make sure you treat them later.. for this i want to thank nadiah and siti..terbaiklah korang ^^
3. Dancing till you sweat. just go with the flow..luckily in BRC(my college in UNIMAS) have senamtari as one of their weekend activity. so, grab this chance and move your body. Plus, one of my vid collection for dancing alone (syok sendiri production) is the vid when suju perform gee in one of their concert.. enjoy it alot and plus do it ALONE would be less embarrassing ^^
4. Singing.. yeah! I know alot of people do this in their room, bathroom and while driving...not only release your stress but also fill the loneliness... all you need is a fake microphone (bottles, comb or your mouse) and a gadget that can play song. sing it out loud like the whole world is yours. there are disadvantages for this though coz people might curse you for noise pollution. so, be wise.
5. Eating..two packets of maggie and one packet of Milo with 4 pieces of sugary biscuit is my fav easy and a must available food in my drawer.. I skip launch if i eat this for breakfast.. hehehe.. a wise person said that "perut kenyang, senang hati"..based on that this 5th method is created by me.. the disadvantage is you may end up increase in size which mean alot if you do it regularly and also upset your stomach which may harm you later on. so please.......... avoid this as much as you can. 
Last piece of advice, control your stress and dont do something stupid just because you cant control your stress and always remember that people around you do love you although they dont show it..

my personal food supply drawer.. recently invaded by Mr cockroach..
with love,
qistina sarngi
p/s: i should continue my assaingment and read journal.. arghh.. stress!!!