27 December, 2011
21 December, 2011
the faded smile..
recently, like most of the girls she took a picture with her friend who is the-one-who-she-always-hangout-with after class..few days after, she looked back at the photo and found out that it was edited with a shocking sentence.."why you look sad?" *frozen*.. she asked herself, "does she knows?" and then she noticed that not only for this photo that she seem sad but the other new photos that she took the day after and yesterday... where did 'it' goes? as long she remember she did smile while taking the pictures but it seems that you cant lie the camera for this... hahaha...
but why is she sad?
Not homesick for sure..
maybe she's just lonely....
behind that laugh, there are a lot of difficult questions that she needs to solve by herself..
there are a lot of things she have to think wisely before she do it.. there a lot of situations which are bizarre to her that she has to go through alone.. why? because she thinks that people wont understands her, because people always give the very-weird-annoying-face when she vomit out her thoughts or her worries..
so she kept silent about that and make people laugh instead.. it is fun for awhile but until when people will still laugh for her lame expired jokes?? till when she will become such a hypocrite to herself??? till when she can only cry for the things that she thought she is wrong cause no one said "its okay girl you have done a great job"??? well, for us to answer that is really beyond our power... let us just pray for her to stay strong.. let us just pray that one day the smile will appear again...
Ya Allah, kau bantulah umat mu ini terus tabah menghadapi dugaan..
Ya Allah, kau tenangkanlah fikirannya, hatinya...
Sesungguhnya kaulah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang..
p/s: writing sebab dah lama tak tulis essay.. hehehe...
but why is she sad?
Not homesick for sure..
maybe she's just lonely....
behind that laugh, there are a lot of difficult questions that she needs to solve by herself..
there are a lot of things she have to think wisely before she do it.. there a lot of situations which are bizarre to her that she has to go through alone.. why? because she thinks that people wont understands her, because people always give the very-weird-annoying-face when she vomit out her thoughts or her worries..
so she kept silent about that and make people laugh instead.. it is fun for awhile but until when people will still laugh for her lame expired jokes?? till when she will become such a hypocrite to herself??? till when she can only cry for the things that she thought she is wrong cause no one said "its okay girl you have done a great job"??? well, for us to answer that is really beyond our power... let us just pray for her to stay strong.. let us just pray that one day the smile will appear again...
Ya Allah, kau bantulah umat mu ini terus tabah menghadapi dugaan..
Ya Allah, kau tenangkanlah fikirannya, hatinya...
Sesungguhnya kaulah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang..
taken from google |
p/s: writing sebab dah lama tak tulis essay.. hehehe...
11 December, 2011
Stresssssssssss! mine and them...
it has been a week i hear this so stressing word from my friends.. and its floating in my mind too... since me myself suffer the same disease so i cant exactly do anything to help them to overcome it other than by using the technique only-lending-your-ears-and-shut-your-mouth to them cause for me that's the first step of decreasing the level of stress.. mostly they are stress because of homesick, assignments, people's attitude and etc.. my stress came from, awkwardness among people, making decision, too concern about others feelings and etc....
so in this post I'm gonna share ways on controlling your and my stress according to my experience and others..
p/s: the ways listed is not based on expert.. so sorry for any mistakes of information
so in this post I'm gonna share ways on controlling your and my stress according to my experience and others..
p/s: the ways listed is not based on expert.. so sorry for any mistakes of information
1. Pray. Solat and doa and recite al-quran is the best medicine. this is surely good enough for those whose find it hard to share their worries to their peers. the real you where no one can complaint. you will find it refreshing and soothing.
2. Blurt it out. tell others your worries, your sadness or anything that adding your stress. It feels like your burden has lessen and life can move on a little bit smooth. but make sure you treat them later.. for this i want to thank nadiah and siti..terbaiklah korang ^^
2. Blurt it out. tell others your worries, your sadness or anything that adding your stress. It feels like your burden has lessen and life can move on a little bit smooth. but make sure you treat them later.. for this i want to thank nadiah and siti..terbaiklah korang ^^
3. Dancing till you sweat. just go with the flow..luckily in BRC(my college in UNIMAS) have senamtari as one of their weekend activity. so, grab this chance and move your body. Plus, one of my vid collection for dancing alone (syok sendiri production) is the vid when suju perform gee in one of their concert.. enjoy it alot and plus do it ALONE would be less embarrassing ^^
4. Singing.. yeah! I know alot of people do this in their room, bathroom and while driving...not only release your stress but also fill the loneliness... all you need is a fake microphone (bottles, comb or your mouse) and a gadget that can play song. sing it out loud like the whole world is yours. there are disadvantages for this though coz people might curse you for noise pollution. so, be wise.
5. Eating..two packets of maggie and one packet of Milo with 4 pieces of sugary biscuit is my fav easy and a must available food in my drawer.. I skip launch if i eat this for breakfast.. hehehe.. a wise person said that "perut kenyang, senang hati"..based on that this 5th method is created by me.. the disadvantage is you may end up increase in size which mean alot if you do it regularly and also upset your stomach which may harm you later on. so please.......... avoid this as much as you can.
Last piece of advice, control your stress and dont do something stupid just because you cant control your stress and always remember that people around you do love you although they dont show it..
my personal food supply drawer.. recently invaded by Mr cockroach.. |
with love,
qistina sarngi
p/s: i should continue my assaingment and read journal.. arghh.. stress!!!
16 November, 2011
Bila cuti mid sem melanggar Raya haji ~
patutnye ak tulis review untuk prof khamis lepas tapi ak post 2 blog plak.. sori prof.. im just STILL digging some ideas to write your preview.. since raya haji ni baru je beberapa hari yang lepas jadi masih fresh lagi kat minda ni apa yang berlaku.
bangun pagi2 buta sebab excited nak naik flight pukul 9.30 ( the only flight to penang).. thanks to m.cik Liza yang hantar kiteorg pegi airport.. ( kiteorg=me and my manager.. hehehe).. kat airport kiteorg terserempak dgn Hani yang akan sambung blajar kat MSU.. dia pergi tinggal ak sorg2 kat kelas en. razyp nanti.. uwaa.. haiz..
it takes two boring and sleepy hours to reach penang. sampai je penang parents ak trus bertolak balik kg.. tapi yang bestnyeer ak singgah makan nasi kandaq pelita kat Juru jap.. nak hilang rindu kat dia.. mmg hepi jer tgk nasi kandaq tu bile jumpa ak.. perut ak pun over excited sampai ak makan almost dua pinggan pinggan.. hehehe.. yang penting abah bayar..
so in car again, ak tido.. act ak ni ada mabuk kereta sikit.. so ak mungkin akan tido atau bangun kejap pastu tido kejap kalau aku x sembang sampai tertido balik.. hahaha.. ak sendiri pelik dgn diri ak ni.. tapi yang lagi peliknye cuma berlaku bile berjalan jauh n bile ak dah lama x naik kereta.. sejak ak masuk hostel camni.. sori lar kpd sesapa yg tension ngan ak ni..
ok, pastu drop manager ak kat perhentian kuala kangsar..tu pun ak x perasan.. sedar2 dia dah xde.. hehehe.. apa punye boslar..
sblm balik kg kami singgah rumah bik jiha.. ambik nana n jumpe bby nash yang mata butang.. ya allah, dah besor bebenor dah die ni.. kepala pun dah x lentok2 bile dukung.. ak sbg nanny dia berbangga dengan tahap kebesaran dan perubahan dia itu.. ^^. yang paling precious bile dia senyum.. yang bestnyer dia x kesah dgn sape2 pun asal ko boleh buat ak bahagia cukup..hahaha..
time bukak puasa kami makan nasi ambeng dgn pecal paman mokhtar beli.. mmg sedaplar.. makanan warisan turun temurun.. thanks paman.. x rugi ak balik merentasi laut china selatan..
next, kami meneruskan perjalan ke kg sungai buaya.. sampai je bik apit je ad.. bik wawa n paman radhi dah lama balik.. fate is not ours to see.. dgn perut yang kelaparan (yang tadi dah digest abis dah semua) kami membalun serunding kerang, rendang kerang n ayam ungkap nenek n bik apit masak.. sodap ler.. ( ni tgh meleleh air liur)
besok paginyer siap2 mandi nak solat raya.. spt biase battle of the bilik mandi bermula untuk menentukan sape mandi dulu.. actually x terukpun cuma ak dgn nana yang malas mandi selalu suruh masing2 mandi dulu.. pastu mesti ada org lain dah masuk pastu umi marah mandi lambat.. begitular untuk setiap raya yang ada kat malaysia ni.. hehehe..
time dgr takbir raya kat masjid ak telah lakukan satu perkara yang buat budak kecik depan ak toleh belakang banyak kali... hahaha.. pelik agak nye x penah tgk org nangis tetibe.. mesti dia ingat ak sedih sebab kena paksa solat raya .. hahaha.. ak pun xtau knapa tetiba air mata ak kluar.. mungkin sebab ak teringat dulu embah lanang selalu takbir raya pagi2 pastu br ak bangun nak siap pegi solat raya.. yang peliknyer.. suara org yang takbir kat masjid tu sebijik mcm suara embah.. mane xnyer ak touching.. tapi kepelikan ak ni ak x bagi tau sesape sebab selalu ends dgn `ko ni merepeklar'.. so I keep my mouth shut to avoid that unpleasant answer.. lepas solat kiteorg pegi lawat kubur boyot2 semua, shifa' and etc.. its a must place to visit every raya.
pastu kiteorg singgah rumah atuk han untuk tgk boyot.. boyot ni pulak suara dia dah tkde tapi dia asyik ckp 'mak'(ckp tanpa bunyi, bayangkan).. mak yng dia maksudkan is isteri dia yang dah meninggal.. see how strong his love to her even dia dah perangai mcm budak2 dia still ingat isteri dia. FYI, umur dia dah 87 if tak silap..panjang umur dia..
kat rumah atuk han lar ak rasa mcm responsible nak terangkan pasal course ak ni.. bukan ape.. mcm terase sikit bila ak punye course ni disalah interpratekan.. tapi, as an adult(hehehe) ak x kisah pun.. terase time tu je.. pastu ok dah..
so after balik dari ziarah boyot kami pegi pulak sabak bernam.. 3 jam perjalanan untuk ak tido.. hehehe... sampai je dah kena tolong2 untuk kenduri doa selamat malam tu.. yang specialnye.. erm, nasi ambeng dlm tupperware, kuih2 moden yang sedap2 dan menarik perhatian.. mcm2 kaler ad.. tahun ni embah xdapat buat koci dgn sushi jawa(nama scientific xtau, ni nama ak yang bg sebab nampak mcm tu.. ingredient dia mcm pulut panggang, tapi x dipanggang) sebab ada org pegi tebang semua pokok pisang kat depan rumah.. kalau dengar embah cerita mesti korang pun geram skali.. ishk2 pemusnah biodiversity betul! tapi kuih2 moden ni pun ok jugak.. congratz kat bibik nora sebab dah 19 tahun ak idup ni baru first time ak rase kuih die n ternyata sedap.. boleh kawin dah lar ni.. hahaha...
malam tu jugak kiteorg patah balik banting sebab nak anta tira balik kolej esoknye.. kepenatan (walau tido memanjang) mmg tak tau nak kata mcm mane.. tabik kat abah sebab x henti2 bawak kereta.. ak ad jugak offer nak bawak tapi umi yang xbagi.. so ak tidolar.. hahaha..
the next day, kiteorg pegi shopping kat banting untuk budak dua org yang nak balik ke destinasi masing2.. ak pulak makin runsing bila tengok barang murah2 pastu kena pikir berat setiap barang yang nak dibeli.. bukan ape, x pasal2 duit ak melayang sebab overweight nanti.. haiz....dapat tengok jelar... Lunch hari tu ak dgn bibik apit yang masak.. bik jiha buat sambal kicap.. pergh! sedap hingga menjilat tangan... bibik apit punyer sup daging memang terbaik! tapi daging masak kicap tu buat ak merana sakit gigi sampai dua hari.. xpe lain kali masak awal sikit.. ad satu benda yang ak xdapat nak buat kat kg.. tolong install skype kat laptop bik apit.... kalau x dah sah2 ak skype dgn dia dah.. sorry bibik, x sempat.. kiteorg balik pun duduk sekejap dah kena gerak tempat lain...
hari Isnin mlm baru ak sampai penang.. siap2 dah text nadiah bila nak kluar.. hahaha.. pulun sungguh.. so as planned ak kluar hari rabu dgn dia n fatin razak. ingatkan x jumpa dah, esoknye ak dtg pulak rumah dia nak sedut movie. the next day pulak ak anta dia pegi jumpa pegawai kesihatan untuk assaingment dia.. memang busy jugak bila sampai penang.. tapi best sebab ak dapat cerita, cerita n cerita baaaaaaaanyak benda kat diorg.. terbaiklar korang. sepanjang ak kat penang ak teringin nak rasa lauk yang mak ak masak.. yelar kat sini asyik lauk beli jekan.. tapi last2 lauk beli jugak yang ak dpat.. sapa suruh kau cuti time umi sekolah.. haiz.. sapa kata keja cikgu banyak free time?? mitos je tu..
so tular perjalanan cuti mid sem ak yang pertama sebagai student UNIMAS... ak bercerita kat sini memang panjang..every detail ak nak cerita... cer suruh bercerita atas stage.. satu patah pun x kluar..hehehehe..itulah qistina..
p/s: untuk picture2 berkenaan diatas sila clik ----> nak tengok
bangun pagi2 buta sebab excited nak naik flight pukul 9.30 ( the only flight to penang).. thanks to m.cik Liza yang hantar kiteorg pegi airport.. ( kiteorg=me and my manager.. hehehe).. kat airport kiteorg terserempak dgn Hani yang akan sambung blajar kat MSU.. dia pergi tinggal ak sorg2 kat kelas en. razyp nanti.. uwaa.. haiz..
it takes two boring and sleepy hours to reach penang. sampai je penang parents ak trus bertolak balik kg.. tapi yang bestnyeer ak singgah makan nasi kandaq pelita kat Juru jap.. nak hilang rindu kat dia.. mmg hepi jer tgk nasi kandaq tu bile jumpa ak.. perut ak pun over excited sampai ak makan almost dua pinggan pinggan.. hehehe.. yang penting abah bayar..
so in car again, ak tido.. act ak ni ada mabuk kereta sikit.. so ak mungkin akan tido atau bangun kejap pastu tido kejap kalau aku x sembang sampai tertido balik.. hahaha.. ak sendiri pelik dgn diri ak ni.. tapi yang lagi peliknye cuma berlaku bile berjalan jauh n bile ak dah lama x naik kereta.. sejak ak masuk hostel camni.. sori lar kpd sesapa yg tension ngan ak ni..
ok, pastu drop manager ak kat perhentian kuala kangsar..tu pun ak x perasan.. sedar2 dia dah xde.. hehehe.. apa punye boslar..
sblm balik kg kami singgah rumah bik jiha.. ambik nana n jumpe bby nash yang mata butang.. ya allah, dah besor bebenor dah die ni.. kepala pun dah x lentok2 bile dukung.. ak sbg nanny dia berbangga dengan tahap kebesaran dan perubahan dia itu.. ^^. yang paling precious bile dia senyum.. yang bestnyer dia x kesah dgn sape2 pun asal ko boleh buat ak bahagia cukup..hahaha..
time bukak puasa kami makan nasi ambeng dgn pecal paman mokhtar beli.. mmg sedaplar.. makanan warisan turun temurun.. thanks paman.. x rugi ak balik merentasi laut china selatan..
next, kami meneruskan perjalan ke kg sungai buaya.. sampai je bik apit je ad.. bik wawa n paman radhi dah lama balik.. fate is not ours to see.. dgn perut yang kelaparan (yang tadi dah digest abis dah semua) kami membalun serunding kerang, rendang kerang n ayam ungkap nenek n bik apit masak.. sodap ler.. ( ni tgh meleleh air liur)
besok paginyer siap2 mandi nak solat raya.. spt biase battle of the bilik mandi bermula untuk menentukan sape mandi dulu.. actually x terukpun cuma ak dgn nana yang malas mandi selalu suruh masing2 mandi dulu.. pastu mesti ada org lain dah masuk pastu umi marah mandi lambat.. begitular untuk setiap raya yang ada kat malaysia ni.. hehehe..
time dgr takbir raya kat masjid ak telah lakukan satu perkara yang buat budak kecik depan ak toleh belakang banyak kali... hahaha.. pelik agak nye x penah tgk org nangis tetibe.. mesti dia ingat ak sedih sebab kena paksa solat raya .. hahaha.. ak pun xtau knapa tetiba air mata ak kluar.. mungkin sebab ak teringat dulu embah lanang selalu takbir raya pagi2 pastu br ak bangun nak siap pegi solat raya.. yang peliknyer.. suara org yang takbir kat masjid tu sebijik mcm suara embah.. mane xnyer ak touching.. tapi kepelikan ak ni ak x bagi tau sesape sebab selalu ends dgn `ko ni merepeklar'.. so I keep my mouth shut to avoid that unpleasant answer.. lepas solat kiteorg pegi lawat kubur boyot2 semua, shifa' and etc.. its a must place to visit every raya.
pastu kiteorg singgah rumah atuk han untuk tgk boyot.. boyot ni pulak suara dia dah tkde tapi dia asyik ckp 'mak'(ckp tanpa bunyi, bayangkan).. mak yng dia maksudkan is isteri dia yang dah meninggal.. see how strong his love to her even dia dah perangai mcm budak2 dia still ingat isteri dia. FYI, umur dia dah 87 if tak silap..panjang umur dia..
kat rumah atuk han lar ak rasa mcm responsible nak terangkan pasal course ak ni.. bukan ape.. mcm terase sikit bila ak punye course ni disalah interpratekan.. tapi, as an adult(hehehe) ak x kisah pun.. terase time tu je.. pastu ok dah..
so after balik dari ziarah boyot kami pegi pulak sabak bernam.. 3 jam perjalanan untuk ak tido.. hehehe... sampai je dah kena tolong2 untuk kenduri doa selamat malam tu.. yang specialnye.. erm, nasi ambeng dlm tupperware, kuih2 moden yang sedap2 dan menarik perhatian.. mcm2 kaler ad.. tahun ni embah xdapat buat koci dgn sushi jawa(nama scientific xtau, ni nama ak yang bg sebab nampak mcm tu.. ingredient dia mcm pulut panggang, tapi x dipanggang) sebab ada org pegi tebang semua pokok pisang kat depan rumah.. kalau dengar embah cerita mesti korang pun geram skali.. ishk2 pemusnah biodiversity betul! tapi kuih2 moden ni pun ok jugak.. congratz kat bibik nora sebab dah 19 tahun ak idup ni baru first time ak rase kuih die n ternyata sedap.. boleh kawin dah lar ni.. hahaha...
malam tu jugak kiteorg patah balik banting sebab nak anta tira balik kolej esoknye.. kepenatan (walau tido memanjang) mmg tak tau nak kata mcm mane.. tabik kat abah sebab x henti2 bawak kereta.. ak ad jugak offer nak bawak tapi umi yang xbagi.. so ak tidolar.. hahaha..
the next day, kiteorg pegi shopping kat banting untuk budak dua org yang nak balik ke destinasi masing2.. ak pulak makin runsing bila tengok barang murah2 pastu kena pikir berat setiap barang yang nak dibeli.. bukan ape, x pasal2 duit ak melayang sebab overweight nanti.. haiz....dapat tengok jelar... Lunch hari tu ak dgn bibik apit yang masak.. bik jiha buat sambal kicap.. pergh! sedap hingga menjilat tangan... bibik apit punyer sup daging memang terbaik! tapi daging masak kicap tu buat ak merana sakit gigi sampai dua hari.. xpe lain kali masak awal sikit.. ad satu benda yang ak xdapat nak buat kat kg.. tolong install skype kat laptop bik apit.... kalau x dah sah2 ak skype dgn dia dah.. sorry bibik, x sempat.. kiteorg balik pun duduk sekejap dah kena gerak tempat lain...
hari Isnin mlm baru ak sampai penang.. siap2 dah text nadiah bila nak kluar.. hahaha.. pulun sungguh.. so as planned ak kluar hari rabu dgn dia n fatin razak. ingatkan x jumpa dah, esoknye ak dtg pulak rumah dia nak sedut movie. the next day pulak ak anta dia pegi jumpa pegawai kesihatan untuk assaingment dia.. memang busy jugak bila sampai penang.. tapi best sebab ak dapat cerita, cerita n cerita baaaaaaaanyak benda kat diorg.. terbaiklar korang. sepanjang ak kat penang ak teringin nak rasa lauk yang mak ak masak.. yelar kat sini asyik lauk beli jekan.. tapi last2 lauk beli jugak yang ak dpat.. sapa suruh kau cuti time umi sekolah.. haiz.. sapa kata keja cikgu banyak free time?? mitos je tu..
so tular perjalanan cuti mid sem ak yang pertama sebagai student UNIMAS... ak bercerita kat sini memang panjang..every detail ak nak cerita... cer suruh bercerita atas stage.. satu patah pun x kluar..hehehehe..itulah qistina..
p/s: untuk picture2 berkenaan diatas sila clik ----> nak tengok
with love,
qistina sarngi
12 November, 2011
Ramadhan + Merdeka + Banting Raya + Sabak Raya + Sarawak + Unimas = A long Journey part 2
so as promise.. walaupun lambat but still ada.. hehehe.. Part 2.. rewind balik ape yang berlaku dan sambil2 tu dgr lagu super junior.. hahaha..knapa ak minat sangat kat semua mamat2 ni.. ermm.. nanti ak citer lain..
Sabak Raya
Time aku balik mase tu ad keluarga paman jemi, wak ayob dgn wak mes x lupe jugak bibik noraku (spelling jawa lemah sikit..). jadi sampai je kg kiteorg g beraya dgn diorg except wak ayob sebab dia dah pegi dulu.. kata org jawa *baraan lar..(*ramai2 beraya rumah org) same mcm banting tahun ni kite ambik pangkal je.. sebab ak nak terbang ke sarwk. malam tu pulak wak ayob belanja makan.. YAY!! hahahaha.. so we orderd tomyam n nasi putih n side dishes. sebabkan org belanja mestilar sedap.. hehehe.. next, ak yang ak nak bg tau tentang ke-passion-nan (jgn tiru perkataan ini) paman jemi dgn kamera..cantik gambar yang dia ambik n technique yg dia ajalar tu adalar ak guna kdg2.. hehehehehe.. thanks paman.. lepas tu the next day, beraya jugak kejap.. pegi rumah yang jauh nun disana tue... pastu pegi sungai besar beli barang kawin dgn family wak ayob... walaupun dah terlambat disini ak nak wish jugak SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU YUN.. dia ni sepupu ak.. dah kawin dah dia.. semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu.. amin.. mak ak in charge bilik tido pengantin jadi dia kalutlar beli brg2 dia..sayang ak x ambik gambar bilik tu bila siap.. tapi serious cakap.. CANTIK!!! TerBAIK!!!.. time balik, kiteorg singgah kubur embah lanang kejap.. ak yang bendera jepun ni dapat tgk dr jauh je..mengalir jugak lar air mata ak ni sbb xdapat tgk dkt kubur embah.. ak harap dia tau ak ada kat situ jugak..once ak penah ckp kekecewaan ak kat wall bik nora bile dia upload gambr embah lanang dan menyatakan kerinduan dia and ayat wak ayob xkan ak lupa sampai bile2.. sedekahkan pahala yang kita buat kepada dia and berdoa agar rohnya tenteram disana..(lebih kurang mcm ni.. intinya ada tapi not exactly since ak dah tlupa, again). sejak daripada itu ap yang ak buat semua ak pikir dulu.. if ak nak buat jahat ak pikir org2 yang ak sayang.. mesti dia sedihkan if diorg tau ak ni jahat.. penat jer jaga ak dari kecik sampai besar gabak mcm ni tapi dosa ak kat Allah lebih berat daripd pahala.. haiz..with that, cerita ak masa sabak raya berakhir...
p/s: Al-Fatihah kepada embah lanang, boyot dan yang lain yang telah pergi sampai waktu ak post ni...
Sarawak + UNIMAS
Untuk tajuk yang ni ak nak cerite pasal masa ak fly dari LCCT ke Kuching and ppl who help me kat sarawak sampai lar ak daftar bilik... so pagi tu pukul 4 pagi semua pakat bagun nak anta ak.. jadi Pengiringnyer: paman radhi n isteri, paman mokhtar, wak pijah, atuk n nenek dan family ak.
Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua diatas kerana sanggup bagun pagi2 bute, mandi dgn air yang sejuk tahap gunung everest n bawak keta ke LCCT walaupun ngantuk..plus atuk n nenek yang nak jugak ikut walaupun kiteorg takut xsihat..
masa ak kat LCCT ak sgt2 seronok.. satu sbb nak naik plane for the first time, dua sebab ramai sgt org yang hantar ak.. ( terharu giler) tiga..ermm..xtau mcm mane nak citer..
ak, abah, umi n Qasrina sampai sarawak 3 hari awal dari pendaftaran sebab nak tiket murah.. jadi kiteorg round satu kuching tu sampai lah ke santubong ...thanks to kawan abah yang pinjamkan kereta, yang ambik kiteorg kat airport, yang belanja kiteorg makan penuh lauk satu meja lepas tu kawan lama umi n abah masa kat U yang jemput kiteorg dtg rumah.. lastly kak dillah n dr samsur yg tlog kiteorg time daftar.. thanks tlg carikan bilik n angkat kan beg yang berat dari berat badan tira.. hehehe over.. THANks alot..
Jadi... itulah cerita dua bulan yang penuh dgn benda baru...sgt2 baru bg ak yang buat ak blurr sebentar.. lega dapat tulis semua.. harap takde yang tertinggal.. kepulunan ak menulis dua parts of this post dah selesai...
p/s: gambar semua dah upload kat fb..click je kat ---> nak tgok
don't forget to click on the reactions belowor leave some comment on the chatbox..
Sabak Raya
Time aku balik mase tu ad keluarga paman jemi, wak ayob dgn wak mes x lupe jugak bibik noraku (spelling jawa lemah sikit..). jadi sampai je kg kiteorg g beraya dgn diorg except wak ayob sebab dia dah pegi dulu.. kata org jawa *baraan lar..(*ramai2 beraya rumah org) same mcm banting tahun ni kite ambik pangkal je.. sebab ak nak terbang ke sarwk. malam tu pulak wak ayob belanja makan.. YAY!! hahahaha.. so we orderd tomyam n nasi putih n side dishes. sebabkan org belanja mestilar sedap.. hehehe.. next, ak yang ak nak bg tau tentang ke-passion-nan (jgn tiru perkataan ini) paman jemi dgn kamera..cantik gambar yang dia ambik n technique yg dia ajalar tu adalar ak guna kdg2.. hehehehehe.. thanks paman.. lepas tu the next day, beraya jugak kejap.. pegi rumah yang jauh nun disana tue... pastu pegi sungai besar beli barang kawin dgn family wak ayob... walaupun dah terlambat disini ak nak wish jugak SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU YUN.. dia ni sepupu ak.. dah kawin dah dia.. semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu.. amin.. mak ak in charge bilik tido pengantin jadi dia kalutlar beli brg2 dia..sayang ak x ambik gambar bilik tu bila siap.. tapi serious cakap.. CANTIK!!! TerBAIK!!!.. time balik, kiteorg singgah kubur embah lanang kejap.. ak yang bendera jepun ni dapat tgk dr jauh je..mengalir jugak lar air mata ak ni sbb xdapat tgk dkt kubur embah.. ak harap dia tau ak ada kat situ jugak..once ak penah ckp kekecewaan ak kat wall bik nora bile dia upload gambr embah lanang dan menyatakan kerinduan dia and ayat wak ayob xkan ak lupa sampai bile2.. sedekahkan pahala yang kita buat kepada dia and berdoa agar rohnya tenteram disana..(lebih kurang mcm ni.. intinya ada tapi not exactly since ak dah tlupa, again). sejak daripada itu ap yang ak buat semua ak pikir dulu.. if ak nak buat jahat ak pikir org2 yang ak sayang.. mesti dia sedihkan if diorg tau ak ni jahat.. penat jer jaga ak dari kecik sampai besar gabak mcm ni tapi dosa ak kat Allah lebih berat daripd pahala.. haiz..with that, cerita ak masa sabak raya berakhir...
p/s: Al-Fatihah kepada embah lanang, boyot dan yang lain yang telah pergi sampai waktu ak post ni...
Sarawak + UNIMAS
Untuk tajuk yang ni ak nak cerite pasal masa ak fly dari LCCT ke Kuching and ppl who help me kat sarawak sampai lar ak daftar bilik... so pagi tu pukul 4 pagi semua pakat bagun nak anta ak.. jadi Pengiringnyer: paman radhi n isteri, paman mokhtar, wak pijah, atuk n nenek dan family ak.
Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua diatas kerana sanggup bagun pagi2 bute, mandi dgn air yang sejuk tahap gunung everest n bawak keta ke LCCT walaupun ngantuk..plus atuk n nenek yang nak jugak ikut walaupun kiteorg takut xsihat..
masa ak kat LCCT ak sgt2 seronok.. satu sbb nak naik plane for the first time, dua sebab ramai sgt org yang hantar ak.. ( terharu giler) tiga..ermm..xtau mcm mane nak citer..
ak, abah, umi n Qasrina sampai sarawak 3 hari awal dari pendaftaran sebab nak tiket murah.. jadi kiteorg round satu kuching tu sampai lah ke santubong ...thanks to kawan abah yang pinjamkan kereta, yang ambik kiteorg kat airport, yang belanja kiteorg makan penuh lauk satu meja lepas tu kawan lama umi n abah masa kat U yang jemput kiteorg dtg rumah.. lastly kak dillah n dr samsur yg tlog kiteorg time daftar.. thanks tlg carikan bilik n angkat kan beg yang berat dari berat badan tira.. hehehe over.. THANks alot..
Jadi... itulah cerita dua bulan yang penuh dgn benda baru...sgt2 baru bg ak yang buat ak blurr sebentar.. lega dapat tulis semua.. harap takde yang tertinggal.. kepulunan ak menulis dua parts of this post dah selesai...
p/s: gambar semua dah upload kat fb..click je kat ---> nak tgok
don't forget to click on the reactions belowor leave some comment on the chatbox..
02 November, 2011
mid sem break fever..
yes, i am coming back to penang..
yes, i am celebrating Hari Raya Qurban in semenanjung..
hmm,,, Happy!!!
not saying sarawak is not fun.. but... errr.. a bit not..
i miss the mall in semanjung, the sales, the cheaper price
i miss nasi kandar, tempoyak and all the spicy food, the cheaper price
i miss my car where I can go anywhere and my scooter
i miss watching suju on utube without worrying the kb i used to stream..
i miss my ...... and counting..
penang! I'll be back!
yes, i am celebrating Hari Raya Qurban in semenanjung..
hmm,,, Happy!!!
not saying sarawak is not fun.. but... errr.. a bit not..
i miss the mall in semanjung, the sales, the cheaper price
i miss nasi kandar, tempoyak and all the spicy food, the cheaper price
i miss my car where I can go anywhere and my scooter
i miss watching suju on utube without worrying the kb i used to stream..
i miss my ...... and counting..
penang! I'll be back!
24 October, 2011
Ramadhan + Merdeka + Banting Raya + Sabak Raya + Sarawak + Unimas = A long Journey part 1
berdasarkan perkara diatas, saya,...... hehehehe... memang banyak nak cerita dalam post kali ni. So ak pecahkan jadi beberapa bahagian. Semuanya backdated story yang ak tangguh sampai la baru ada masa nak type. Hehehe.. nilar perangai ak yang xpenahnyer nak hilang dari dulu.. Bukan ap, kepala otak ni dok berlegar2 pikir nak tulis macam mana plus time constrain dengan persiapan nak pegi sarawak n raya ni... harap xde cebisan memori yang ak tertinggal sepanjang penulisan blog ini.
Sebagai seorang muslim ak pun berpuasa untuk mematuhi rukun Islam yg ke 3. Tapi.. tular perempuankan.. mana nak cukup.. mmg nasib ak tahun ni ak kena pangkal dgn hujung.. memang melambak lar ak kena ganti. aktiviti ak sepanjang ramadhan agak sibuk jugaklar dengan menjadi supeer (bahasa jawa ni tapi ak xtu mcm mana nak eja) si kecik kemana saja dia nak pegi plus tukang pegi kedai, ambik duit dan beli lauk n kuih. memang la best sebab ak dpat bawak bermacam-macam jenis kenderaan sepanjang melaksanakan tugas tu (excp lori, basikal, kapal kat langit dn kat laut dan bas) tapi penat kot.. plus entah kenapa ramadhan kali ni panas membahang. dahlar kereta separuh wira ak tu aircond dia mmg x sejuk. so ak tetapkan sehari dua kali je keluar ambik qasrina dgn pegi kedai. sebabnya mak ak ni dia pelupa sikit. kejap2 terlupa santan lar halia lar.. ntah berapa kali sehari ak pegi kedai sampai abg bob kedai depan tu senyum je bila ak dtg lagi. haiz..
Sepanjang ramadhan juga ak, nadiah dan fatin razak boleh dikatakan keluar tiap2 minggu untuk menyiapkan diri ke U masing2 dan untuk raya. Pergi pejabat pos dekat dua kali, bank jgn kira, kailan lagilar. tapi kemuncak kepada jelajah kami di penang ialah ke pasific dan tesco extra. sebenarnye xde ap yang excited pun sebab sebelum ni kami dah selalu pegi. tapi sebab kali ni ak yang drive!! excited gla sebab boleh bawak laju n dapat tunjukkan kehandalan ak bawa kereta walaupun ad sekali kena hon dan sesuka hati bagi signal. hahaha..thanks to them yang bg ak full support!! gamsahabnida!!
Next story time ramadhan ialah bila ak jadi stalker super junior. ntah kenapa datang sewel ak pegi stalk diorg tiap2 hari. mentang2lar wireless laju je meng-loading vid2 diorg. diaorg pulak mcm tau ja ak tgh free pegi release album n buat promotion yang buat ak x mau miss..
Nak dekat habis ramadhan adik ak yang diperantauan balik. mmg best sebab ak dapat berbuka last ramai2. bukan selalu n memang dah lama pun ak x berkumpul. jadi we all take that time as precious dengan pegi shopping. hahaha.. Perempuan mmg macam ni.
p/s: time ni ak teringat mak ak cakap dia sedih sebab budak diorg tu xdapat beraya n puasa kat penang. jadi kiranya harapan dia separuh je dimakbulkan. takpe separuh lagi next time.
ramadhan kali ni mmg berbeza sebab dah lama ak x full ramadhan kat rumah. memang ada hikmahnye ak x keja sepanjang ramadhan. lagi satu, ramadhan kali ni juga buat ak sedar, ni last dah ak kat rumah.. memang sedih bila last kluar dengan budak dua org tu n nak tingal kereta separuh wira ak, moto yang makin xterjaga ak, wireless n ASTRO. hahahahaha..
Sedikit cebisan pasal merdeka ni. sebenarnya hasrat hati mmg nak pasang bendera kat luar tu. tapi asyik terlupa ja nak beli bendera. tapi pada suatu hari... jenjengjeng.. hehehe.. abah bawak balik beg kertas yang penuh dgan bendera la, poster satu malaysia lar yang dia dapat otw nak keluar pejabat. jadi ak dgn sikecik pun memulakan dgn projek kami di depan rumah dgn memasang bendera.
the story starts when I am suprised bila balik kampung ja ada banyak makanan dah siap masak. mungkin sebab cik Ilah ada plus dengan bibik Pijah sebagai pembantu. Sedap sedap pulak tu. Terima kasih!!! especially daging masak apa ntah. lupa n kuah kacang wak pijah. first time makan n mmg sedap.,, terbaik lah cik Ilah n Wak pijah. pastu yang paling best dapat main mercun. hahaha.. mercun gasing dan mercun yang lagi satu tu mmg xbahaya (mercun gasing n mancis).. pandai cik ilah pilih. bagi dua tokey besar (Radhi n Wawa) mercun untuk hj misran group diorg punya mercun mmg power.(tapi mercun roket dieorg xboleh lawan mercun halau kera embah.. kire ak menang mercun paling kuatlar.. hahaha) especially yg harga rm35 tu. tapi sayang xdak kameraman yg bertauliah yang dapat tangkap pic mercun tu. sayang sayang..xpe.. imej dia tersemat di fikiran samapai mati..
pagi raya ak dan angkatan2 bendera jepun pun mula mengemas sebelum org yang pegi sembahyang raya balik. lepas tu seperti biasa sesi bersalaman dan berposing bermula. nanti ak upload dekat facebook lepas raya haji. Kami juga ada Tema warna masing2. mnziha warna pink. warna cokelat sama dgn kami tapi tona warna berbeza sikit Radhi n wawa. The Putrajaya Geng warna colourful. malam tu pulak kite konvoi pegi rumah bik adah. jumpa mek yah comel..
raya tahun ni sekejap sangat. first sebab ramai yang dah meninggal dan sakit. agak sedih dan mengingatkan ak yang mereka makin lama makin tua dan akan tiada akhirnya. begitu juga orang yang kita sayang. pastu sebab nak berangkat pg sarawak. Al-fatihah kepada yang sudah tiada.
p/s: post ni dah type lame giler tapi xpost coz ingat nak post sampai citer sarawak.. tapi xsempat.. busy gla.. plus ke-excited-an dalam mengepost blog yang tinggi buatkan ak nak post jugak walaupun xabis citer..
so part 2..
- album raya sabak n banting
- post pasal raya kat sabak
Sebagai seorang muslim ak pun berpuasa untuk mematuhi rukun Islam yg ke 3. Tapi.. tular perempuankan.. mana nak cukup.. mmg nasib ak tahun ni ak kena pangkal dgn hujung.. memang melambak lar ak kena ganti. aktiviti ak sepanjang ramadhan agak sibuk jugaklar dengan menjadi supeer (bahasa jawa ni tapi ak xtu mcm mana nak eja) si kecik kemana saja dia nak pegi plus tukang pegi kedai, ambik duit dan beli lauk n kuih. memang la best sebab ak dpat bawak bermacam-macam jenis kenderaan sepanjang melaksanakan tugas tu (excp lori, basikal, kapal kat langit dn kat laut dan bas) tapi penat kot.. plus entah kenapa ramadhan kali ni panas membahang. dahlar kereta separuh wira ak tu aircond dia mmg x sejuk. so ak tetapkan sehari dua kali je keluar ambik qasrina dgn pegi kedai. sebabnya mak ak ni dia pelupa sikit. kejap2 terlupa santan lar halia lar.. ntah berapa kali sehari ak pegi kedai sampai abg bob kedai depan tu senyum je bila ak dtg lagi. haiz..
Sepanjang ramadhan juga ak, nadiah dan fatin razak boleh dikatakan keluar tiap2 minggu untuk menyiapkan diri ke U masing2 dan untuk raya. Pergi pejabat pos dekat dua kali, bank jgn kira, kailan lagilar. tapi kemuncak kepada jelajah kami di penang ialah ke pasific dan tesco extra. sebenarnye xde ap yang excited pun sebab sebelum ni kami dah selalu pegi. tapi sebab kali ni ak yang drive!! excited gla sebab boleh bawak laju n dapat tunjukkan kehandalan ak bawa kereta walaupun ad sekali kena hon dan sesuka hati bagi signal. hahaha..thanks to them yang bg ak full support!! gamsahabnida!!
Next story time ramadhan ialah bila ak jadi stalker super junior. ntah kenapa datang sewel ak pegi stalk diorg tiap2 hari. mentang2lar wireless laju je meng-loading vid2 diorg. diaorg pulak mcm tau ja ak tgh free pegi release album n buat promotion yang buat ak x mau miss..
Nak dekat habis ramadhan adik ak yang diperantauan balik. mmg best sebab ak dapat berbuka last ramai2. bukan selalu n memang dah lama pun ak x berkumpul. jadi we all take that time as precious dengan pegi shopping. hahaha.. Perempuan mmg macam ni.
p/s: time ni ak teringat mak ak cakap dia sedih sebab budak diorg tu xdapat beraya n puasa kat penang. jadi kiranya harapan dia separuh je dimakbulkan. takpe separuh lagi next time.
ramadhan kali ni mmg berbeza sebab dah lama ak x full ramadhan kat rumah. memang ada hikmahnye ak x keja sepanjang ramadhan. lagi satu, ramadhan kali ni juga buat ak sedar, ni last dah ak kat rumah.. memang sedih bila last kluar dengan budak dua org tu n nak tingal kereta separuh wira ak, moto yang makin xterjaga ak, wireless n ASTRO. hahahahaha..
suju 5jib cartoon version. credit to the one who made it so cute. |
Sedikit cebisan pasal merdeka ni. sebenarnya hasrat hati mmg nak pasang bendera kat luar tu. tapi asyik terlupa ja nak beli bendera. tapi pada suatu hari... jenjengjeng.. hehehe.. abah bawak balik beg kertas yang penuh dgan bendera la, poster satu malaysia lar yang dia dapat otw nak keluar pejabat. jadi ak dgn sikecik pun memulakan dgn projek kami di depan rumah dgn memasang bendera.
THE Jalur Gemilang and our house mascot |
Banting Raya
the story starts when I am suprised bila balik kampung ja ada banyak makanan dah siap masak. mungkin sebab cik Ilah ada plus dengan bibik Pijah sebagai pembantu. Sedap sedap pulak tu. Terima kasih!!! especially daging masak apa ntah. lupa n kuah kacang wak pijah. first time makan n mmg sedap.,, terbaik lah cik Ilah n Wak pijah. pastu yang paling best dapat main mercun. hahaha.. mercun gasing dan mercun yang lagi satu tu mmg xbahaya (mercun gasing n mancis).. pandai cik ilah pilih. bagi dua tokey besar (Radhi n Wawa) mercun untuk hj misran group diorg punya mercun mmg power.(tapi mercun roket dieorg xboleh lawan mercun halau kera embah.. kire ak menang mercun paling kuatlar.. hahaha) especially yg harga rm35 tu. tapi sayang xdak kameraman yg bertauliah yang dapat tangkap pic mercun tu. sayang sayang..xpe.. imej dia tersemat di fikiran samapai mati..
pagi raya ak dan angkatan2 bendera jepun pun mula mengemas sebelum org yang pegi sembahyang raya balik. lepas tu seperti biasa sesi bersalaman dan berposing bermula. nanti ak upload dekat facebook lepas raya haji. Kami juga ada Tema warna masing2. mnziha warna pink. warna cokelat sama dgn kami tapi tona warna berbeza sikit Radhi n wawa. The Putrajaya Geng warna colourful. malam tu pulak kite konvoi pegi rumah bik adah. jumpa mek yah comel..
raya tahun ni sekejap sangat. first sebab ramai yang dah meninggal dan sakit. agak sedih dan mengingatkan ak yang mereka makin lama makin tua dan akan tiada akhirnya. begitu juga orang yang kita sayang. pastu sebab nak berangkat pg sarawak. Al-fatihah kepada yang sudah tiada.
p/s: post ni dah type lame giler tapi xpost coz ingat nak post sampai citer sarawak.. tapi xsempat.. busy gla.. plus ke-excited-an dalam mengepost blog yang tinggi buatkan ak nak post jugak walaupun xabis citer..
so part 2..
- album raya sabak n banting
- post pasal raya kat sabak
20 October, 2011
So Here I AM
Hello Sarawak, Hello Unimas, Hello BRC and Hello zoology..
it has been a few moths I updated my feelings after the post about I'm going to UNImas..
firstly I wanted to tell about what is zoology.. in simple sentence from my understanding, zoology is a course that teach us to study about everything under the sun mainly animals and those who want to an animal scientist. the aim to learn this is to conserve those natural resources for our future generation. it is fun though since I am 30% nature lover even before I know this course.. the other 70% still in progress (still striving..) other than that, the subjects that we took does not only based on animals but as I said earlier they are everything under the sun. for the first semester we learn analytical chemistry, statistic for biology, general genetic and the non-sleeping time biodiversity. basically the other lecture are just the same like the lecture given in matrics but in BioD class I feel different. different in this situation is where I need to be a grown up to enter this class. act like a university student and avoid being a passenger in a bus. although it is hard to survive in this class (if you are lack of knowledge and your hobby is not reading), I sincerely eager to attend this class everyday. cause the knowledge that i will gain is priceless and every sec of his words is like a rare diamond which you will only found in UNimas. might be the next post will be about him since I'm still doing some study about him.
well, my interest to biodiversity starts to grow because of him but I feel down every time I fail his quiz. hmm.. I'm so dumb to think too deep about the answer which is already in front of me. I'll try harder..haiz.. not only that, I still don't have the guts to break the shell of being a passenger and become a leader instead..I'll try harder.. haiz.. plus, I have to be in higher order thinking which is something my mind and heart still cant accept... I'll try harder.. haiz.. I kept asking myself why but the answers came out as excuses to still stay in the shell. so my aim is to stay in his class and break the shell.. yEAH!!!! wiiiieeeee..
dalam kegembiraan, kekalutan, kepanasan dan kehujanan,, ak duduk seorg diri di satu sudut memandang dan melihat telatah orang2 disini.. sungguh lucu, sungguh aneh.. buat ak tertarik untuk terus tinggal disini.. sejujurnya ak cemburu dengan kemesraan mereka yang baru jer kenal dlam sebulan lebih ni.. tapi disebabkan tahap malu yang 100% melebihi tahap darah tinggi menyebabkan ak melupakan hasrat ku untuk turut serta.. biarlah ak seronok melihat tanpa menggangu kerana kata2ku mungkin akan memecahkan kgembiraan.. kekekokkanku akan mematikan kemeriahan suasana itu. ak gembira begini. source-unknown
next is about unimas,
no stars because of frequently rain, no gardenia maybe because the factory is too far from here, no shades makes the students can form an umbrella club and unstable weather. hmm.. maybe sometimes I feel lonely, but i know time will mend it and I have to stay strong. maybe I spend too much to cure my loneliness but I hope my parents will understand.. hahaaha.. overall H.A.P.P.Y... with the course, people and surroundings.. U sapa yang ada tasik besar gla, yang ada bas banyak gla, yang ada prof best gla, yang ada guys mcm korea byak gla, yang ada apartment besar gila, yang ada roomate best gla and hingak gak(tolong jgn kembang)....okayyy semua U ada.. tapi ak punya lebih special..:) saranghae...<3
it has been a few moths I updated my feelings after the post about I'm going to UNImas..
firstly I wanted to tell about what is zoology.. in simple sentence from my understanding, zoology is a course that teach us to study about everything under the sun mainly animals and those who want to an animal scientist. the aim to learn this is to conserve those natural resources for our future generation. it is fun though since I am 30% nature lover even before I know this course.. the other 70% still in progress (still striving..) other than that, the subjects that we took does not only based on animals but as I said earlier they are everything under the sun. for the first semester we learn analytical chemistry, statistic for biology, general genetic and the non-sleeping time biodiversity. basically the other lecture are just the same like the lecture given in matrics but in BioD class I feel different. different in this situation is where I need to be a grown up to enter this class. act like a university student and avoid being a passenger in a bus. although it is hard to survive in this class (if you are lack of knowledge and your hobby is not reading), I sincerely eager to attend this class everyday. cause the knowledge that i will gain is priceless and every sec of his words is like a rare diamond which you will only found in UNimas. might be the next post will be about him since I'm still doing some study about him.
well, my interest to biodiversity starts to grow because of him but I feel down every time I fail his quiz. hmm.. I'm so dumb to think too deep about the answer which is already in front of me. I'll try harder..haiz.. not only that, I still don't have the guts to break the shell of being a passenger and become a leader instead..I'll try harder.. haiz.. plus, I have to be in higher order thinking which is something my mind and heart still cant accept... I'll try harder.. haiz.. I kept asking myself why but the answers came out as excuses to still stay in the shell. so my aim is to stay in his class and break the shell.. yEAH!!!! wiiiieeeee..
dalam kegembiraan, kekalutan, kepanasan dan kehujanan,, ak duduk seorg diri di satu sudut memandang dan melihat telatah orang2 disini.. sungguh lucu, sungguh aneh.. buat ak tertarik untuk terus tinggal disini.. sejujurnya ak cemburu dengan kemesraan mereka yang baru jer kenal dlam sebulan lebih ni.. tapi disebabkan tahap malu yang 100% melebihi tahap darah tinggi menyebabkan ak melupakan hasrat ku untuk turut serta.. biarlah ak seronok melihat tanpa menggangu kerana kata2ku mungkin akan memecahkan kgembiraan.. kekekokkanku akan mematikan kemeriahan suasana itu. ak gembira begini. source-unknown
next is about unimas,
no stars because of frequently rain, no gardenia maybe because the factory is too far from here, no shades makes the students can form an umbrella club and unstable weather. hmm.. maybe sometimes I feel lonely, but i know time will mend it and I have to stay strong. maybe I spend too much to cure my loneliness but I hope my parents will understand.. hahaaha.. overall H.A.P.P.Y... with the course, people and surroundings.. U sapa yang ada tasik besar gla, yang ada bas banyak gla, yang ada prof best gla, yang ada guys mcm korea byak gla, yang ada apartment besar gila, yang ada roomate best gla and hingak gak(tolong jgn kembang)....okayyy semua U ada.. tapi ak punya lebih special..:) saranghae...<3
08 August, 2011
about me and sarawak <------->
Jauh tu...
boleh ke blaja kat sana??
knapa jauh sangat??
course apa tue??
typical comment from unknown sources. My response?? poker face and act blur.. the best get away when you feel annoyed and want to hide it.
I already did the dokumen perjalanan terhad, paid the fee and booked the flight.. but my heart and my head still asking the same question day by day since i received fate.. AM I DOING THE RIGHT CHOICE??
I knew the result at work and once I found out DANG!! it hit my face badly.. i hold my tears cause i do not want this matter effect my work. suddenly my mother came to send me launch. at that time i rushed into the car and started crying badly at home..my mum try to comfort me but it was all in vain since it made me cry harder... just imagine my castle is crushed down by a bulldozer called upu... i skip my launch that day and went back to work after crying.. thank god they don't know i was crying at home.. but my close friend do notice my over-watery-eyes and give me support after knowing..
the next day the news spread to shah alam and klang ( my aunts place)... everyone said 'its okay' but I said its un-ok.. in the same time the decision had to be make in a week..
- search any IPTS that I am able to enter
- call the IPTS for details
- my uncle put me to accept he offer and decide after enter the IPTA
well, the biggest problem here is not the IPTA but the course they give me is really not satisfying my target to further my study. haiz.. I know my grades are not 4.0 but i got more than 3.5 which is a bit high for MY level of of study.. hmm.. i'm expecting more since my friend who does not event get 3.0 can get this course.. Reality does hit me badly this time.. thank god i have my mum who give me support everyday. if not, i might jump from the tallest building in kepala batas which is err.. hotel seri malaysia I guess..hahaha..( it is an analogy not reality)
so now i am preparing for the admission day which is a few days after raya.. the word preparing is actually for my mother since she is the one who did it all for me.. hmm.. I wonder what will be without her..
lastly, thanks for those who support me and for those who think negatively, I'll try harder to change it.. just give me some time to digest what have been fed to me.. since time will cure everything I hope.
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
p/s:I hope you enjoy this lovely song that I accidentally feel want to put it here.. hahaha..
boleh ke blaja kat sana??
knapa jauh sangat??
course apa tue??
typical comment from unknown sources. My response?? poker face and act blur.. the best get away when you feel annoyed and want to hide it.
I already did the dokumen perjalanan terhad, paid the fee and booked the flight.. but my heart and my head still asking the same question day by day since i received fate.. AM I DOING THE RIGHT CHOICE??
I knew the result at work and once I found out DANG!! it hit my face badly.. i hold my tears cause i do not want this matter effect my work. suddenly my mother came to send me launch. at that time i rushed into the car and started crying badly at home..my mum try to comfort me but it was all in vain since it made me cry harder... just imagine my castle is crushed down by a bulldozer called upu... i skip my launch that day and went back to work after crying.. thank god they don't know i was crying at home.. but my close friend do notice my over-watery-eyes and give me support after knowing..
the next day the news spread to shah alam and klang ( my aunts place)... everyone said 'its okay' but I said its un-ok.. in the same time the decision had to be make in a week..
- search any IPTS that I am able to enter
- call the IPTS for details
- my uncle put me to accept he offer and decide after enter the IPTA
well, the biggest problem here is not the IPTA but the course they give me is really not satisfying my target to further my study. haiz.. I know my grades are not 4.0 but i got more than 3.5 which is a bit high for MY level of of study.. hmm.. i'm expecting more since my friend who does not event get 3.0 can get this course.. Reality does hit me badly this time.. thank god i have my mum who give me support everyday. if not, i might jump from the tallest building in kepala batas which is err.. hotel seri malaysia I guess..hahaha..( it is an analogy not reality)
so now i am preparing for the admission day which is a few days after raya.. the word preparing is actually for my mother since she is the one who did it all for me.. hmm.. I wonder what will be without her..
lastly, thanks for those who support me and for those who think negatively, I'll try harder to change it.. just give me some time to digest what have been fed to me.. since time will cure everything I hope.
Que Sera Sera
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
p/s:I hope you enjoy this lovely song that I accidentally feel want to put it here.. hahaha..
26 July, 2011
Dah lama dlam ingatan cuma nak luah je: Nanny and wedding
Salam!! Dah lama tak post something kat sini sejak habis matrik. so, hari ni nak cerita banyak2 pasal apa yg berlaku kat diriku which only some who follow my blog will know.. ( thanks for the two guys.. hehehe)
Disebabkan my vocab gets worst day by day cause by my laziness I have to write in both language for better understanding of my feeling when i'm revising this post..( kalau cikgu BM dengan BI tahu mampos)
[recall balik ap yg berlaku for the past few months]
exactly lepas habis exam last kat matrik aku dapat call dari umi kata bibik ziha kat ward dah nak bersalin.. punyalar ak excited sampai bley lari bilik nadiah nak bgtau dia.. mcam xbley mesej.. hehehe.. pastu time itu juga lah aku dpat tahu kena jaga bibik ziha dalam pantang.. bertolak hari sabtu minggu tue jugak.. hmm...mood time tue... errr..agak sedih sebab ingat nak hangout pastu online.. tapi gembira jugak sebab dapat jumpa baby bibik ziha.. Pada hari yg ditetapkan bertemulah ak dgan baby itu yg bernama nur anis nashrah yg bermaksud....... errr.. nanti tanya atuk balik..
ak masak, jemur kain, basuh kain and urus nashrah punya entire.. kira mcam manager dia gitu.. hehehe
even tak ada internet time tue ak still rasa happy sebb dapat main dengan nashrah.. tapi mungkin paman mokhtar perasan betapa pentingnya internet kpd remaja so dia belikan ak broadband.. ak tau dia nak ak rasa selesa menjaga anak dia plus perasan ak boring giler kdg2.. tapi ap2 pun THANKS ALOT..
p/s: makanan org pantang yg ak masak memang x sedap giler.. ak solute bibik ziha sebab dapat makan utk kepentingan kesihatan baby n diri dia sendiri..
start dah nenek kalut pasal bibik wawa nak kawin yang bermula 3 jun akad nikah n bersanding 5 jun.. second sebab mengapa ak mesti ada kat kg. minggu pertama pergaduhan antara nenek dan atuk semakin hangat sebab nak ingat nama2 org yang akan dijemput berserta alamat. plus keliling rumah pun stat dibersihkan (menambah kemarahan nenek pada atuk sebab dia x reti buat kerja) haih kesian atukku.. old couple pun gaduh apatah lagi parents ak. oh ya, bibik apit and bibik wawa pun start balik kg every week utk membantu mana yg mampu plus bawak barang balik. dalam satu malam ja dapur nenek boleh penuh mcam pasaraya longwan dgan barang kahwin.(berapa lar agaknya belanja tu).minggu seterusnya pun sama jugak and rumah nenek dah start cat kalau x silap. satu hal pulak pasal cat yang memberikan keharuman yang sgat wangi sampai boleh membahayakan kesihatan baby NAsh. Jadi, ak, bibik ziha and nashrah sekejap duduk belakang sekejap duduk dapur utk lari daripada bau itu. THANKs atuk Han dan anak dia mahathir plus kawan dia (part time je) yg tolong cat. THUMBS UP utk mereka. minggu ketiga sibuk jugak.. tapi buat apa ak lupa plak.. kita skip pergi minggu keempat.. since dah last week utk preaparation tersebut jadi semakin bertambah kalutlar semua org..( org kedah kata gelabah jingga) terutamanya BIBIK WAWA(pengantin + chief wedding planner), BIBIK APIT ( assistant wedding planner), AKU (pangkat mcm office boy), BIBIK ZIHA ( pemberi idea2 bernas), Nahrah ( jadi gud girl sepanjang proses itu). kahkah.. sesuka hati ak ja bg pangkat kat org.. harap tiada terasa hati.. oh ya.. nenek ngan atuk pengerusi terhormat...
pecal ni makanan tradisi Misran and The Gang juga salah satu menu utama time wedding nanti.. ak lah salah satu jawatankuasa dalam pembikinan pecal yang memang sedap itu ( kalau nak tahu mama paman radhi mintak sikit nak bawak balik..Terbaik!!)I tell you best in Banting and some say penang tau.. ( rumah ak ja la tue)... back to the main, ada 3 org kawan nenek (wak kesat , wak... dan wak....) dan nenek mahani yang bantu buat pecal tu dgan nana n amar( sekadar tgk). stat pukul 1 pagi sampai tengah hari nak dkt petang.. tapi yg pagi buta tu nenek sorg jalar yg bangun goreng kacang..disebabkan rasanya yg TERBAIK jadi pembuatannya pun unik gak.. ak ada ambik gambar tapi kat hp bibik ziha. sapa nak tau nanti ak email resepi dan picture dia skali. ( ada potenssi jadi reporter tak?? hehehe..)
p/s: harap picture yg dlam hp bik ziha takdi delete.
seterusnya, listing persediaan wedding tersebut terus dipotong satu2 dan menambahkan kelegaan nenekku dan atuk ku.. minggu terakhir bulan ni ak ada pembantu bawahan ak. NANA dan AMAR bolehlar angkat2 barang ngan almari.. bangga jadi bos depa.. hehehe
the WEDDING!!!!!
akad nikah DONE
sinoman DONE
khatam alquran DONE
cukur jambul DONE
bersanding DONE
tgok sajalar kegembiraan dan keletihan kat picture2 yg diambil oleh cameramanngurl terhebat dari Misran Group. lepas habis ja majlis semua pun balik.... Cik Ilah balik putrajaya ak pun balik pennag.. so strory after majlis ak tak tahu pun.. Apa yang pasti segala kelemahan dapat diatasi dan WEdding of the year in Hj Misran Grouppun dapat berlangsung dgn gahnya .. Tahniah bibik Wawa and Paman Radhi!!!
My comment
TERBAIK!!! hahaha.. semua under Hj Misran Group dah buat yang terbaik dlam Wedding in the making and backstage. ak sebagai pemerhati mmg tabik semua yg terlibat termasuk family atuk dan nenek. Break kali ni memang paling best (dapat jaga baby andmenyibuk dalam wedding org) dan menyedarkan ak sebenarnya fatin ni dah besar dah pun.. hehehehe
p/s : maaf kalau terkasar bahasa atau dapat menimbulkan komen2 negative kpd pembaca2...
Disebabkan my vocab gets worst day by day cause by my laziness I have to write in both language for better understanding of my feeling when i'm revising this post..( kalau cikgu BM dengan BI tahu mampos)
[recall balik ap yg berlaku for the past few months]
exactly lepas habis exam last kat matrik aku dapat call dari umi kata bibik ziha kat ward dah nak bersalin.. punyalar ak excited sampai bley lari bilik nadiah nak bgtau dia.. mcam xbley mesej.. hehehe.. pastu time itu juga lah aku dpat tahu kena jaga bibik ziha dalam pantang.. bertolak hari sabtu minggu tue jugak.. hmm...mood time tue... errr..agak sedih sebab ingat nak hangout pastu online.. tapi gembira jugak sebab dapat jumpa baby bibik ziha.. Pada hari yg ditetapkan bertemulah ak dgan baby itu yg bernama nur anis nashrah yg bermaksud....... errr.. nanti tanya atuk balik..
ak masak, jemur kain, basuh kain and urus nashrah punya entire.. kira mcam manager dia gitu.. hehehe
even tak ada internet time tue ak still rasa happy sebb dapat main dengan nashrah.. tapi mungkin paman mokhtar perasan betapa pentingnya internet kpd remaja so dia belikan ak broadband.. ak tau dia nak ak rasa selesa menjaga anak dia plus perasan ak boring giler kdg2.. tapi ap2 pun THANKS ALOT..
p/s: makanan org pantang yg ak masak memang x sedap giler.. ak solute bibik ziha sebab dapat makan utk kepentingan kesihatan baby n diri dia sendiri..
start dah nenek kalut pasal bibik wawa nak kawin yang bermula 3 jun akad nikah n bersanding 5 jun.. second sebab mengapa ak mesti ada kat kg. minggu pertama pergaduhan antara nenek dan atuk semakin hangat sebab nak ingat nama2 org yang akan dijemput berserta alamat. plus keliling rumah pun stat dibersihkan (menambah kemarahan nenek pada atuk sebab dia x reti buat kerja) haih kesian atukku.. old couple pun gaduh apatah lagi parents ak. oh ya, bibik apit and bibik wawa pun start balik kg every week utk membantu mana yg mampu plus bawak barang balik. dalam satu malam ja dapur nenek boleh penuh mcam pasaraya longwan dgan barang kahwin.(berapa lar agaknya belanja tu).minggu seterusnya pun sama jugak and rumah nenek dah start cat kalau x silap. satu hal pulak pasal cat yang memberikan keharuman yang sgat wangi sampai boleh membahayakan kesihatan baby NAsh. Jadi, ak, bibik ziha and nashrah sekejap duduk belakang sekejap duduk dapur utk lari daripada bau itu. THANKs atuk Han dan anak dia mahathir plus kawan dia (part time je) yg tolong cat. THUMBS UP utk mereka. minggu ketiga sibuk jugak.. tapi buat apa ak lupa plak.. kita skip pergi minggu keempat.. since dah last week utk preaparation tersebut jadi semakin bertambah kalutlar semua org..( org kedah kata gelabah jingga) terutamanya BIBIK WAWA(pengantin + chief wedding planner), BIBIK APIT ( assistant wedding planner), AKU (pangkat mcm office boy), BIBIK ZIHA ( pemberi idea2 bernas), Nahrah ( jadi gud girl sepanjang proses itu). kahkah.. sesuka hati ak ja bg pangkat kat org.. harap tiada terasa hati.. oh ya.. nenek ngan atuk pengerusi terhormat...
pecal ni makanan tradisi Misran and The Gang juga salah satu menu utama time wedding nanti.. ak lah salah satu jawatankuasa dalam pembikinan pecal yang memang sedap itu ( kalau nak tahu mama paman radhi mintak sikit nak bawak balik..Terbaik!!)I tell you best in Banting and some say penang tau.. ( rumah ak ja la tue)... back to the main, ada 3 org kawan nenek (wak kesat , wak... dan wak....) dan nenek mahani yang bantu buat pecal tu dgan nana n amar( sekadar tgk). stat pukul 1 pagi sampai tengah hari nak dkt petang.. tapi yg pagi buta tu nenek sorg jalar yg bangun goreng kacang..disebabkan rasanya yg TERBAIK jadi pembuatannya pun unik gak.. ak ada ambik gambar tapi kat hp bibik ziha. sapa nak tau nanti ak email resepi dan picture dia skali. ( ada potenssi jadi reporter tak?? hehehe..)
p/s: harap picture yg dlam hp bik ziha takdi delete.
seterusnya, listing persediaan wedding tersebut terus dipotong satu2 dan menambahkan kelegaan nenekku dan atuk ku.. minggu terakhir bulan ni ak ada pembantu bawahan ak. NANA dan AMAR bolehlar angkat2 barang ngan almari.. bangga jadi bos depa.. hehehe
the WEDDING!!!!!
akad nikah DONE
sinoman DONE
khatam alquran DONE
cukur jambul DONE
bersanding DONE
tgok sajalar kegembiraan dan keletihan kat picture2 yg diambil oleh cameramanngurl terhebat dari Misran Group. lepas habis ja majlis semua pun balik.... Cik Ilah balik putrajaya ak pun balik pennag.. so strory after majlis ak tak tahu pun.. Apa yang pasti segala kelemahan dapat diatasi dan WEdding of the year in Hj Misran Grouppun dapat berlangsung dgn gahnya .. Tahniah bibik Wawa and Paman Radhi!!!
My comment
TERBAIK!!! hahaha.. semua under Hj Misran Group dah buat yang terbaik dlam Wedding in the making and backstage. ak sebagai pemerhati mmg tabik semua yg terlibat termasuk family atuk dan nenek. Break kali ni memang paling best (dapat jaga baby andmenyibuk dalam wedding org) dan menyedarkan ak sebenarnya fatin ni dah besar dah pun.. hehehehe
p/s : maaf kalau terkasar bahasa atau dapat menimbulkan komen2 negative kpd pembaca2...
with love,
qistina sarngi
09 March, 2011
In memory
My Precious Only Love...
- songs
- videos
- phone numbers ( my old friends)
- pictures
Lost on 15 Feb 2011 one day after my birthday and that phone was my birthday present..
HAiz.. my own mistake...
Left it in a taxi.. and I strongly believe that the taxi driver stole it!!!
Luckily there is a system where you can renew you sim card..
so, i'm still using the same number..^^
Embah Lanang (my grandfather)
he passed away on 2 march 2011 at 12.30 pm after suffered from an accident last year..
after the accident he was half paralyzed after undergo an operation to remove blood cloth in his brain..
since then he cant speak which is pretty sad cause i love to listen to him talked about his past.. he also could not moved... he showed some improvement throughout the days but it seems he lost in the middle of his fight.....
Al-fatihah and Yassin is the best I can do..
My Precious Only Love...
My mobile phone.. Nokia X3
not a high tech phone but the stuff in it PRICELESS..- songs
- videos
- phone numbers ( my old friends)
- pictures
Lost on 15 Feb 2011 one day after my birthday and that phone was my birthday present..
HAiz.. my own mistake...
Left it in a taxi.. and I strongly believe that the taxi driver stole it!!!
100% sure...
Hate that guy.. act innocent but deep in your heart??? $@#$@#$@^%Luckily there is a system where you can renew you sim card..
so, i'm still using the same number..^^
Embah Lanang (my grandfather)
he passed away on 2 march 2011 at 12.30 pm after suffered from an accident last year..
after the accident he was half paralyzed after undergo an operation to remove blood cloth in his brain..
since then he cant speak which is pretty sad cause i love to listen to him talked about his past.. he also could not moved... he showed some improvement throughout the days but it seems he lost in the middle of his fight.....
Al-fatihah and Yassin is the best I can do..
21 January, 2011
my love to Teluk Intan
taken from Google |
I will 'next time'..
18 January, 2011
family bonding
this bond suppose to be the unbreakable bond. this bond should shield any circumstances that will come by. this bond is there when they were small... but as they grow up and have many commitment they seems to forget. they have no respect to their parents. they break their parents heart into pieces without knowing that at their age they should be in peace. they should be happy to have great children and give them cute grandchildren. In real life... things are just opposite. the children seems to forgot the bond. more jealousy, hatred is created in their heart than love. . hmm.. sometimes they think that the bond that cause them trouble..
16 January, 2011
the man who care..
He is the only man I know for all my life. I love him and I know he loves me too. He is handsome looking man and that why he is my man. He always busy with his work and put work as his most important thing in life. He seldom show his love towards me that is because he does not know the way to show it and he will feel awkward if he does. He used to have time but that time has been use for his friends and his work. People always talk behind him for his perfectionist in everything he does. He is very particular with even the slightest mistakes. Sadly, he never see his imperfection. His words sometimes is sharper than a blade. That words make a scar to my heart. With all that, I still love him.. respect him... as he is the man who care..
p/s: sorry for any mistakes in the sentences.
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